Thursday, 5 May 2011

Masquerade Ball

I finally tick something off my 100 by 100 list.

The masquerade ball was wonderful! The people were friendly, the dresses gorgeous and the masks very fancy.
I met a kindred spirit, (D's Boss) when D asked me what I wanted to drink and I proclaimed (loudly) "RUM! I want to be a PIRATE...arr." Bossman then said "Aww I want to be a pirate too, and shared the sad tale of how his wife binned all this pirate stuff. Then a kid turned up in an alien costume and mask and we both went "I want to be an alien!" See guys, we're SOULMATES

There was a professional photographer taking photos through the night, he gave me his business card and said "I've taken loads of pictures of you, here is the website so you can check them out"
Oh yes, I am supermodel material....when wearing a mask.
Hence the partial delay as I wanted to borrow liberate my images!

So here are two photos we took, pre-drunkness

Yes I made D's mask, and how did I hear you ask, did I paint it? Why I painted it with BLACK SHOE POLISH. I am awesome. D's face didn't fall off so apparently shoe polish is a perfectly acceptable mask paint.

I altered my mask by cutting, gluing etc. and made the back of it, however the general outline already existed. But since I took four hours to make it "better" I class it as homemade

Now enjoy the professional pictures of the day, and excuse D's blacked-out face since he's shy.

Yes, we are walking like an Egyptian in the last photo.This is my favourite professional one that was done, think I might get a print of it for the dining room.


  1. Damn, you look awesome, as does D. I've never been to a party such as you have to "dress up" for, and I love masks, so I'm double envious.

  2. The years spent prancing around my bedroom in my mother's dresses and jewels aged 4 have paid off leeann


    It was a terrific day Andria, most people took their masks off but I kept mine on for three hours, I don't do thinks by halves

  3. Oh, squeee!!! You look fantastic and the entire picture is gorgeous - mask, dress and masquer. :) I am sooo jealous. A masquerade ball has been a dream of mine ever since seeing Labyrinth way back when...

  4. Thanks nicole :) I couldn't believe someone was actually holding one, I'd joked we'd have to do it for my next birthday, no need now. I really hope I can find another use for that dress though...

  5. that last shot is GREAT! Beautiful, yet mysterious and somehow wistful... like a drunken Mona Lisa! : )

  6. hey I had only just arrived I wasn't drunk YET...

  7. you both look spectacular...very pretty you look in your mask...well made masks ~huggs~
