This is a work in progress, I will add more things as they come to me, as there is an awful lot of seemingly boring crazy stuff I'd like to do before I die. and I'm as curious as a 5yr old
[ ] 1. Touch an Elephant
(no silly jokes I just always wondered what the texture of their skin feels like, you would not believe the amount of almost chances I've had and I live in the UK!)
[ ] 2. Kick someone who deserves it's ass
(this will probably end up being D)
[ ] 3. Build my own house
(okay I will get professionals involved)
[ ] 4. Learn Greek τελικά
[ ] 5. Have a holiday home in Greece to retire to
[ ] 6. Own a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel (I already have the names picked, Scarlett for a girl and Finnegan for a boy I just need to lobotomise convince D to let me have one first)...or a toy poodle!
[ ] 7. Raise Chickens, Pigs and grow my own Veg, a la' The Good Life
[ ] 8. Write a novel
Published or unpublished I'd like to achieve writing one
[ ] 9. Write a cookery book
To pass on to my family, again I'm not exactly publishing material
[X] 10. Create life.
This could be in the form of sea monkey's, I'm not fussy, although technically I'd like whatever I create to outlive me, but not in an Et-tu Brutus kind of way.
[ ] 11. Gamble in a Las Vegas Casino (winning is optional)
[/] 12. Make a Christmas Cake from Scratch
[ ] 13. Crack eggs successfully using only one hand
[ ] 14. Learn to drive
[ ] 15. Win BIG at Bingo (something in the 100-100,000 mark) if my friend can do it then I want to too!
[ ] 16. Own a business worth 1 million pounds. (Only £997,000 to go as of 20/11/10)
[ ] 17. Watch breakfast at Tiffany's
[ ] 18. Wow a roomful of people at Karaoke / sing in public and be good at it
[ ] 19. Learn to play my guitar
[ ] 20. Compose a song on the piano
[ ] 21. Own a palomino
[ ] 22. Actually complete a prototype for the baby feeding spoon invention
[ ] 23. Publish my poetry
[ ] 24. Fill a (clean) bath with pick-n-mix and then enjoy it
[ ] 25. Try Taffy
[ ] 26. Visit New Zealand
[ ] 27. Actually catch a fish
[ ] 28. Go on a cruise (or journey to Amsterdam on the ferry)
[ ] 29. Make a patchwork quilt
[ ] 30. Learn to Crochet
[ ] 31. Go on holiday to a fancy resort all exquisite dining, sandy beaches and being treated like a queen
[ ] 32. Run a Four-Minute Mile
[ ] 33. Go on a Road trip (complete #14 first)
[ ] 34. See the Northern Lights
[ ] 35. Meet someone I've known for a long time but never met
[X] 36. Attend a proper Ball with masks and swishy dresses and everything
[ ] 37. Finish my sunflower painting
[ ] 38. Ride in a carriage
[ ] 39. Create a family tome / 'Book of the Dead' for future generations
[ ] 40. Open a shop
[ ] 41. Create toys with the children
[ ] 42. Become titled
[ ] 43. Play Chocolate Jenga