The other night D and I were talking to Zarek about how he could have half a crumpet with butter on for supper and a custard cream.
Ayla comes running across the room shouting:
"I want Penis! I want Penis!, I want PENIS Daddy!"
Dom: Wha...I...uh...wha?
*we look at each other puzzled*
Me: Ayla.... do you want peanut butter?
Ayla: Yes, I want Penis butter
Me: Okay then... *start laughing*
Dom: We don't have peaNUT butter on crumpets that would be yucky.
Ayla (many tears and loud shouting about penis')
Me: We could have peaNUT butter sandwiches tomorrow for dinnertime though?
Ayla: "yes penis butter sandwich tomorrow later"
Me: Ayla can you say Pea - NUT
Ayla: Yes penis...
Me: No Ayla Pea
Ayla: Pea
Ayla Nut
Me: Pea Nut
Ayla: Peenu
Me: That'll do.
A story to horrify her on her 18th birthday